Frequently Asked Questions

The Tree of Life Retreat| 12-14 Iyar 5779 / 17-19 May, 2019 | Green Mountain View Inn, Tannersville, NY
What is EmunaHealing?

EmunaHealing allows us to access the inner light within us by removing exterior layers, the klipot which block Hashem’s life-giving energy from flowing freely within all the parts of our psyche, emotions, and organs. Through spiritual healing we can unblock negative energy and infuse each part of ourselves and the people we treat with Hashem’s light. This system of spiritual healing, endorsed by Rabbi Berkowitz of Aish HaTorah, was developed by Ilan and Sandy Feldman of Ramat Beit Shemesh. They decided to purify alternative energy healing from its non-Jewish elements and create a Torah/Emunah-based energy healing that channels Hashem’s life-giving power. Not everyone is destined to treat others, yet everyone can learn to heal themselves and their family. In addition, EmunaHealing promotes spiritual growth and closeness to Hashem. Rebbetzin Neustadt, the daughter of Rabbi Ezrial Tauber, said about this system of spiritual healing, “This is the healing of the Geulah!”

Is Yoga “Kosher”?

At Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin we believe that in order to learn Torah properly we must work on becoming a fit vessel to absorb Torah within our entire being. When we perform the physical exercises of yoga we do not adhere to the religious intentions which the masters from India originally imbued within their various positions, Chas V’Shalom. For us, yoga is not a goal in itself, but only a means to maintain balance and health. Below are the answers that Rebbetzin Chana Bracha I received from various rabbinical authorities on the issue: – Rabbi Mordechai Goldstein Shelita: Dear Chana Bracha, I’m a secretary at Diaspora Yeshiva . . . Rebbetzin Goldstein said, “Chachmah BaGoyim Tamin, Aval Torah Al Tamin. The goyim know the human body. The main thing is your kavanah (intention). Our intention is purely physical: health, breathing and exercising every limb. Yoga is widely used for this purpose and has been for many years.” I want you to know that she consulted with her husband, Rav Mordechai Goldstein, the Rosh Yeshiva after she received your message, just to confirm that this was correct. Sincerely, Feigy Ellenbogen – Rabbi Mordechai Becher Shelita (Ohr Sameach’s Ask the Rabbi:) “We must distinguish between the exercises and the philosophy. The philosophy is Avodah Zara without doubt. However the exercises have clear physical benefit and are based on rational ideas. As the Code of Jewish Law states: Code of Jewish Law, Yoreh Deah 178:1 It is forbidden to follow the ways of the pagans… Ramah: But this is only forbidden in regards to customs of the pagans that are based on sexual immorality… or a statute of their religion that has no logical reason, in which case we suspect that it is blemished with pagan [symbolism]… but other customs of pagans that have [tangible physical] benefit are permitted. Hence Rav Yoel Schwartz maintains that to perform Yogic exercises is permitted, but to study the philosophy or use their mantras in meditation etc. is prohibited. Sincerely, Rabbi Mordechai Becher “

What do I need to bring?

Green Mountain View Inn provides linens, towels, toilet paper (pre-cut for Shabbat), shampoo, soap and Shabbos lights in sleeping rooms as well as free wireless internet access.

Here is a list of what we recommend you bring:

  • Siddur (Prayer book) and Chumash.
  • Dress is casual. Please bring loose clothing for yoga.
  • Prescription medications you will need for the duration of your stay.
How do I get there?


The address is:  
Green Mountain View Inn,
132 S Main Street Tannersville,
NY 12485
What about Kashrut?

Catering information:

Green Mountain View Inn will be catering the retreat.
Any special dietary requirements should be stated on registration.


All food in the hotel is under the Hashgacha of Rabbi Binyomin Halevi Gruber of Monsey, NY.

What are the Shabbat times?

Candle-lighting on Friday, May 17th at 7:55 pm
We take Shabbat in at 7:00 pm

Shabbat ends on May 18th at 9:03 pm

What about the weather?

G-d willing, we will be blessed with a beautiful early summer weekend.

Cancellation Policy

All proceeds will benefit Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin: Holistic Torah Study for Women on the Land.  With this in mind, our cancellation policy is as follows:
All registrations are subject to approval and include a non-refundable deposit of $125 per person which is applied towards the cost of the retreat. Cancellation of registration will receive partial-refunds of 50% for cancellations before April 5, 2019 and partial-refunds of 25% for cancellations before April 19, 2019. Cancellations from April 30, 2019 will not be eligible for a refund under any circumstances.

Women can bring redemption!

Through supporting sisterhood, we will heal our lives!

Let’s sing and dance our way back to our lost Paradise!

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